Ethereum Developer Danny Ryan Thinks it is wrong to Differentiate Ethereum 1.0 and 2.0

There is an expectation about the transition to Ethereum 2.0. There are probabilities of acquiring a greater capacity to process transactions. Trying to differentiate Ethereum 1.0 from version 2.0 would imply false sequentiality.

According to him, users should not talk about both networks as if they were different things because Ethereum 1.0 is going to merge with Ethereum 2.0, which means an extension of the blockchain. Ryan points out that these are enough reasons to see both phases of Ethereum as a single network.

In the text published on January 20, 2021, Ryan explains that the transition to a new Ethereum chain has been plan under development for a long time, which goals, among other things, is the capacity to process a more significant number of transactions per second.

This developer also reiterates how wrong it is even to try to differentiate Ethereum 1.0 and Ethereum 2.0. This perception would presume that version 1.0 will set itself apart even if it represents different layers of the same development.

Ryan mentions that the current developments of Ethereum 1.0 refer in the first stance to the operation and updating of the network user layer (status, transactions, and accounts), which is everything the end-user considers when interacting with this network.

Whereas, in Ethereum 2.0, these developments consist of updates that will lead to the transition from current proof of work (PoW) to proof of stake (PoS).

Ethereum 2.0 Focuses on Consensus and the Current Version on the User

Ryan delves into Ethereum 1.0 and Ethereum 2.0 and the most prominent features that differentiate them. It refers first of all to version 2.0’s software and protocol updates with which said blockchain works.

Fundamentally, Ethereum 2.0 is Ethereum’s consensus transition from proof of work to proof of stake and the addition of a chunky data layer that aims at greater scalability.

Ryan sustains that the updates here connect with the “user layer,” such as contracts and transactions. “If the consensus is the brain, the user layer is the body; almost all Ethereum enhancements since its inception have targeted the (relatively small) body, and brain of the proof of work has remained stable,” he added.

Enhancements for Ethereum at Work

The final merger between the two chains seems to be far from getting a completion. Meanwhile, the development of the current version of Ethereum is still at work.

One of these updates is EIP 1559, which aims to improve the user experience regarding commissions in Ethereum. In a few words, this proposal configures the base commission according to the demand of the network. The commissions will split into two parts; one will go to the miner while the other suffers a burn.

By: Jenson Nuñez