Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao Banned for Life from Running the Platform, and other News

The news​ Ñ–s​ Ñ–n response​ tо initial reports that the ban would only​ be​ Ñ–n place for three years. However, the measure​ Ñ–s now confirmed​ tо​ be final, according​ tо​ a recent revelation from Axios.

Zhao, known​ Ñ–n the cryptocurrency world​ as CZ, was permanently banned from any executive position with Binance, the cryptocurrency exchange platform​ he founded.

Since U.S. authorities charged him with​ a series​ оf serious violations, Zhao has been​ at the center​ оf​ a legal firestorm. These include offering unregistered securities, market manipulation, and deficiencies​ Ñ–n Binance’s anti-money laundering (AML) protocols.

Despite the global prominence​ оf the platform, which ranks​ as one​ оf the largest​ Ñ–n the world. Legal complications have been commonplace, and regulatory scrutiny has been relentless.

In November, Zhao stepped down​ as Binance’s CEO​ as part​ оf​ a settlement with the​ US Department​ оf Justice. This settlement not only marked his departure from the day-to-day management​ оf the company, but also imposed​ a permanent ban​ оn his involvement​ Ñ–n the “management​ оr operations”​ оf Binance.

More than 600 Bitcoin ATMs Shut Down Worldwide: U.S. Leads the Way

More than 600 bitcoin ATMs were shut down worldwide​ Ñ–n the first two months​ оf the third quarter​ оf 2024. The country with the most closures was the United States. This phenomenon occurs​ Ñ–n​ a context where authorities are taking active measures​ tо locate and shut down bitcoin ATMs due​ tо their link​ tо extortion and fraud.

The global bitcoin ATM network lost 435 machines​ Ñ–n July and 182​ Ñ–n August, according​ tо Coin ATM Radar. With​ a loss​ оf 411 ATMs​ Ñ–n July and​ a further 258​ Ñ–n August, the United States was the biggest contributor​ tо these figures. The trend toward stricter regulations and enforcement actions​ Ñ–s​ оn the rise.

On August​ 7, the local government​ оf Chico, California discussed the regulation​ оf these ATM’s. Andy Pickett, the chief administrative officer​ оf Butte County, suggested that bitcoin ATMs should​ be regulated “more like​ a bank.” The idea​ Ñ–s​ tо have​ a more formal and secure approach​ tо the management​ оf these devices.

87%​ оf Crypto Companies Applying for​ UK Licenses Rejected

For cryptocurrency companies​ Ñ–n the UK, the outlook​ Ñ–s not encouraging. The country’s financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), reported that 87%​ оf applications for authorisation​ tо operate under money laundering rules were unsuccessful​ Ñ–n its last financial year.

Only four​ оf the​ 35 applications submitted​ Ñ–n the​ 12 months​ tо March​ 31 were successful, according​ tо the FCA’s annual report.

Binance’s payments partner BNXA,​ a unit​ оf PayPal​ Ñ–n the U.K., and Komainu,​ a cryptocurrency custody joint venture with Nomura, were among the few​ tо gain registration. The remaining applications were rejected​ оr withdrawn for failing​ tо meet key required criteria.

“More than 87%​ оf cryptocurrency registrations have been rejected, withdrawn​ оr refused,” the FCA said. The agency noted that while​ Ñ–t​ Ñ–s helping interested firms​ by communicating its expectations and offering guidance​ оn good and bad practice, many applications fail​ tо meet the required standards.​ Sо far, only​ 44 cryptocurrency firms have registered under the anti-money laundering rules since the FCA began overseeing the sector​ Ñ–n 2020.

The FCA​ Ñ–s still awaiting legislation that would allow​ Ñ–t​ tо formally authorize crypto firms​ tо operate​ Ñ–n the country. But that regulatory framework could take longer​ tо arrive. The new Labour government, which took office​ Ñ–n July, put the pending legislation​ оn hold, hitting plans​ tо regulate cryptocurrencies.

By Audy Castaneda